An Awesome iPhone Feature!

iphone-bigOkay this was just too cool not to share! But if you know all things technology like the back of your hand (like frank) then you can stop here. :) but for those of us that need friends to show us the cool tricks… Do you ever get really annoyed that its not easy to save webpages on your iPhone or iPad?  Continue reading

Evolution of a Brand | Embracing differences


For a long time people have said to me “I never would have combined those colors/patterns/styles but it looks cool!”. Either they were trying to make me feel good, or were actually impressed. In either case, I am (somehow) just now realizing that is so me, and its what I love to do! Continue reading

Branding ADD

Banner Final.jpgI know i just changed the face of the blog like…two months ago, but I haven’t really LOVED it. Ya know? I think it was mostly because it was me, but not REALLY me. I had started a pin board on pinterest of things that jumped out to me, and inspired me somehow. After analyzing it for a few weeks I realized…it did not match my “theme” on my blog!

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So, I haven’t done a very good job blogging lately. Time slips by fast! On the positive side, I have several great stories


to share. :) Two weekends in a row we were out of town visiting family, and then last weekend I worked. Which made this the first weekend we haven’t had “plans” in a long time. It was amazing. We got to have dinner (two days in a row!) with good friends and then a coffee date with each other. Funny story about that – While Frank was waiting for his coffee I found a table for us. I set my coffee down and that was enough to wobble the unbalanced table which spilled coffee EVERYWHERE. I went to grab napkins…by the time Frank got to the table and set his drink on the surface it was “wonky” (best word ever…thanks ex-roomie Christina!) enough to spill my drink again! We found out why that table wasn’t occupied…
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Got Water?


My husband has been asking me for 24 hrs now if these photos were going to “make the blog”.

He is so proud of them! And rightly so…they were his idea and HE was the one that had to help me get out of my head for once to just TRY it. (usually i’m the one that has to start things…unless we are talking about laundry) We had been talking about doing these for a while, and it was SO COOL to see how they turned out!!! Anyways, I hope that his inspires you to TRY something you don’t think you can do. What can it hurt? Continue reading