Alex & Emily


It is so much fun to take a {special} moment in time and freeze it for people to remember forever. One of my favorite things in our house are our wedding and engagement pictures. And they are everywhere! We have a whole WALL in our living room with pictures of us…kind of weird probably…but I love looking at them and remembering that season that wasn’t too long ago. Being married is WAY better than being engaged but it was a right of passage(so people told us) and it was sweet and special in its own way. So I am glad we have pictures to remind us! Continue reading

Eric & Alison

Sloss_0001.jpgI am SOO excited to post these pictures!!! Frank & I met this fun couple visiting a church when we first moved to Roanoke. We found out we shared a lot in common – for starters we had gotten married within a WEEK of each other(!!), both recently moved to Roanoke, and the only children we had were of the four legged and furry kind. Continue reading

Branding ADD

Banner Final.jpgI know i just changed the face of the blog like…two months ago, but I haven’t really LOVED it. Ya know? I think it was mostly because it was me, but not REALLY me. I had started a pin board on pinterest of things that jumped out to me, and inspired me somehow. After analyzing it for a few weeks I realized…it did not match my “theme” on my blog!

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So, I haven’t done a very good job blogging lately. Time slips by fast! On the positive side, I have several great stories


to share. :) Two weekends in a row we were out of town visiting family, and then last weekend I worked. Which made this the first weekend we haven’t had “plans” in a long time. It was amazing. We got to have dinner (two days in a row!) with good friends and then a coffee date with each other. Funny story about that – While Frank was waiting for his coffee I found a table for us. I set my coffee down and that was enough to wobble the unbalanced table which spilled coffee EVERYWHERE. I went to grab napkins…by the time Frank got to the table and set his drink on the surface it was “wonky” (best word ever…thanks ex-roomie Christina!) enough to spill my drink again! We found out why that table wasn’t occupied…
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A love, so unconditional

I have been thinking about how our friends, strangers, family, even ourselves can be the hands and feet of God. I checked my mail yesterday and among the usual advertisements and bills was a letter from a dear friend. I love letters!


Definitely the best part of checking the mail. Then, I received a few emails from people just checking in. As meaningful as it was to receive each of those thoughtful gestures, I was so aware that the author of those emails and letters was God and my friends were the hands that he used to write them. They couldn’t have known all that has been going on in our lives the last few weeks. I was so overcome by awareness of His love, and desire to bless me. There wasn’t anything particularly special about yesterday, but then He made it special. When I went to bed, I was laying there and someone came to my thoughts that I hadn’t heard from in a little while. Continue reading

Snow Day!

The wonderful thing about snow is that it makes all the dead ugly things in


winter perfect for beautiful pictures. Before I headed off to work thursday I snapped a few of these, and I wish someone had been there to take a picture of ME.  I laughed at myself walking out the door in my pajamas, with a big robe over top of them, snow boots, a winter hat, scarf, and a jacket on top of my robe….all because I hate to be cold. Lexi, on the other hand…couldn’t get enough of the snow and the cold. She LOVES LOVES LOVES LOVES snow. Let me tell you – She romped and rolled and ran and rolled and dug and ate and sniffed until she was delirious! It was really fun to watch her enjoy it! I can’t wait to have land one day to let her just go nuts when it snows.

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Got Water?


My husband has been asking me for 24 hrs now if these photos were going to “make the blog”.

He is so proud of them! And rightly so…they were his idea and HE was the one that had to help me get out of my head for once to just TRY it. (usually i’m the one that has to start things…unless we are talking about laundry) We had been talking about doing these for a while, and it was SO COOL to see how they turned out!!! Anyways, I hope that his inspires you to TRY something you don’t think you can do. What can it hurt? Continue reading

A new year, a new look and new things ahead!

Hey, I’m glad you found your way here! If you have been here before you will notice…the blog has had a face lift!

I have been considering re-branding and really just what I want this whole thing to look like and be. (The first step was having the guts to publish this page!) And so in a moment of inspiration – I just went with it! I have been so motivated to clean, organize and restructure the way I do some things, and I’m so stinkin proud of myself for actually doing it! I don’t think I would consider myself naturally an organized person, definitely not the type A…so it usually takes a lot of work and many attempts to get things in working order. Plus, I just love changing things around….Ask my husband- We have already rearranged basically every room in the house 2 times since being here. I get it from my mom. =)cropped-banner-final.jpg

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January One

To truly appreciate how my husband and I often feel sometimes, you must be an avid (or occasional)

The Bowmans-15

How I Met Your Mother watcher to have seen this episode… But anyways… One of the wonderful things about being married is that people can come visit us!! We love hosting, because for 3 years we could only do the visiting. It is so much fun for us to learn how to bless in that area (while also trying not to appear TOO excited that people want to visit us)! So, new years was extra special with these EXTRA special guests. My beautiful sister (another up and coming photographer!) and her husband!

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A Merry Christmas Indeed

This Christmas season was so special. Not only was it our first Christmas as a married


couple, but we were very blessed to be able to reunite the entire Burton clan, and spend time with both sides of our family. This blog is sort of a mash between photography and peeks into our world as a new married couple. So, I’m sharing some personal photos we took a few minutes to do on the freezing, misty eve of Christmas. I may get in trouble for putting some of these up – but I hope you all will forgive me *cough* *Grandma* *cough*. =)  These are just a few of my fave’s…

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